European Commission - 7th Framework Programme European Museums and Libraries in/of the age of migrations last updated: February 2015

Carsten Paludan-Müller

Carsten Paludan-Müller, born 1950, since 2003 is the general director of The Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research, NIKU. The institute employs 80 people and is working with cultural heritage management in Norway and beyond. Carsten Paludan-Müller studied archaeology, human geography, anthropology, and history of art at the Universities of Copenhagen and Cambridge. He is Magister Artium in prehistoric archaeology from Copenhagen.

Three latest previous positions: Head of the Museum Department of the National Danish Agency of Cultural Heritage. Head of the Monuments Department , National Danish Forest and Nature Agency. Director of the Museum of Culture History in Randers, Denmark

In recent years, he has written about the relationship between cultural heritage and posterity, museums, cultural environment, landscapes, and urban spaces, the long development of empires and nation states and the use and abuse of history in the process. A leading argument in his work is that the material remains from the past can only be preserved, as a living part of the present.

He was from 2004 to 2010 board member and treasurer of the European Association of Archaeologists.

Since 2006, he has contributed as an expert to the Council of Europe's activities to follow-up the Faro-Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society, and in the preparation of the revision of other cultural heritage conventions.

Since 2008 he is scientific advisor to the five year CRIC project, led by the University of Cambridge, Institute of Archaeology and financed under the EU 7th framework program. CRIC investigates processes of cultural heritage (re-)construction and memorialisation after violent conflicts (6 case studies across Europe).

Since 2009 he is external board member at The Institute for Archaeology, Conservation and History at The University of Oslo.

Since 2010 he is corresponding member of Deutsche Archaeologisches Institut.


Current research interests:

• The role and potential of cultural heritage in construction and deconstruction of identities – use and abuse.
Landscapes as complex cultural heritage.
• The dynamic relationship between power and space through time.
• The Roman Empire as role model and reference.

Other current activities:

Developing an Armenian-Turkish-Norwegian project aimed at using cultural heritage as an asset in the development of relations through engagement of professionals on both sides in a cross-border project carrying mutual recognition of a shared heritage.
Working with cultural heritage as an asset for social and economic development.



1974. Mesolitiske og neolitiske subsistensstrategier. Nordisk Kontaktstencil 8, Copenhagen.

1974. Neoarkæologienlogiske og epistemologiske aspekter, Nordisk Kontaktstencil 8, Copenhagen.

1976. Teorier og metoder bag undersøgelser af bosættelser og deres funktion, Nordisk Kontaktstencil 12, Turku.

1979. New Directions in Scandinavian Archaeology, (with Kristian Kristiansen), Copenhagen.

1979. High Atlantic Food Gathering in Northwestern Zealand, Ecological Conditions and Spatial Representation. In Kristiansen and Paludan-Müller, New Directions in Scandinavian Archaeology, Copenhagen.

1983. Om Arkæologi. Forskning, formidling forvaltning – for hvem? (with, Ditlev Mahler and Steffen S. Hansen) København.

1984. Udgravninger i Saunte – 3 jernalderhuse fra tiden omkring kristi fødsel. Gilleleje Museum bind 27, Gilleleje.

1985. §26-arkæologi: Hvor gik forskningen hen, da arkæologien gik ud? (with Steffen S. Hansen). Museumsmagasinet 30.

1986. Kulturhistorie i Hovedstadsregionen (collective work with a group of archaeologists, ethnologists and architects published by the Copenhagen Regional Council). Copenhagen

1986. Rapport fra Amtsarkæologisk kontor. Frederiskværkegnens Museums Årbog 1986. Frederiksværk.

1987. Kulsvidning i oldtiden (with Poul Vestergård). Skoletjenesten. København.

1987. Frost, regn, sne og naturgas. Frederiksværkegnens Museum Årbog 1987. Frederiksværk.

1987. Amatørarkæologer med i udforskningen af stenalderbopladser ved Nivå. Fahs 1. Helsingør.

1989. Rapport fra den arkæologiske arbejdsmark. Frederiksværkegnens Museum Årbog 1988. Frederiksværk.

1990. Affald stenalderjægernes boplads. Chapter in, Alle tiders skrald. Kulturhistorisk Mseum, Randers.

1993 Stenaldertankerovervejelser bag en ny udstilling i Randers. Historisk Årbog for Randers Amt. Randers.

1993. Museumsvæsnet – en livsform i takt med en tid? Danske Museer 5, 1993.

1993. Museumslovens uendelige lethed? Danske Museer 5 1993.

1994 Rationalitet og Magi. In Galindo and Blanc, Metamorfose, Kolding 1994.

1995 Den tabte tidom at udstille oldtiden i nutiden. Dansk Tidsskrift for Museumsformidling.

1995 Museums Betydningden fraktale udfordring, Nordisk Museologi 1995, vol 1, Umeå

1996 Muset i tidenErindringsrum og Verdensspejl. In M. Lauenborg og P. Pentz, Museerne ved årtusindskiftet. Statens museumsnævn, København.

1996 Kulturhistorisk Museum Randers Årbog. 1995. (edited with J. Smidt Jensen). Randers.

1996 En tidsrejse museetovervejelser om en udstilling. In Kulturhistorisk Museum Randers Årbog. 1995. Randers.

1997 Kulturhistorisk Museum Randers Årbog. 1996. (edited with J. Smidt Jensen). Randers

1997 Stenaldergrave omkring RandersOtte landskaber med tidsdybde (with Kirsten Nijkamp) In Kulturhistorisk Museum Randers Årbog 1996. Randers.

1998 Museale græsrødder i den Europæiske storbybeton, Danske Museer 1, 1998.

1999 Historien i hovedet, monumentet kroppenovervejelser om identifikation og auteticitet, Nordisk Museologi 199.1. Umeå.

2001 Historien omkring os – arv og miljø. S. 91-102 in Bernard Eric Jensen (ed) ”At bruge historien i en sen-/postmoderne tid.” Roskilde Universitets Forlag. Frederiksberg

2002 The Danish National Approach to the Cultural Environment. In L. M. Green and P.T. Bidwell (eds), “Heritage of the North Sea Region, conservation and interpretation”, Donhead, Shaftesbury.

2003 Kultur: arv og miljø. In Carlberg, Nicolai og Søren Møller, Christensen (eds), ” Kulturmiljø mellem forskning og politisk praksis” . Københavns Universitet, Museum Tusculanum

2003 Lejreområdet, Landskab med myter og monumenter, in Nordisk Råd Naturskydd i Norden under 1900-tallet. Nord 2003:5 København.

2005 Kulturminner, en ressurs i tiden. Carsten Paludan-Müller og Grete Gundhus (eds)
Niku, Oslo.

2008 Rome - The Parallactic Observation of the Empire, In Konstantinos Chilidis, Julie Lund & Christopher Prescott (eds.), “Facets of Archaeology, Essays in Honour of Lotte Hedeager on her 60th Birthday”, University of Oslo, Oslo Archaeological Series Vol 10.

2008 The need for an archaeology of Europe. Reasons and perspectives, Archaeological Dialogues 15 (1) 48-51. Cambridge University Press.

2008 Europa før, under og efter nationalstatenreflektioner over identitetspolitk oghistorie. In, Lars-Eric Jönsson, Anna Wallette and Jes Wienberg (eds.). Kanon och Kulturarv 290-318. Makadam Förlag Centrum for Danmarksstudier vid Lunds Universitet.

2009 Europe – A constrained and fragmented space on the edge of the continental landmasses. Crossroad, battlefield and melting pot. In Heritage and Beyond, Council of Europe, Strasbourg.

2010 Actors and orders: The shaping of landscapes and identities. Paper currently under review and editing. University of Amsterdam.

2010 The Imperial Mirror: Paper currently under review and editing. Journal of Roman Archaeology. Rhode Island.

Selection of commissioned public reports and background papers.

1982. Registreringer af fortidsminder I Frederiksborg Amt. Frederiksborg Amts Museumsråd.

1985. Spor af stenalderens samfund i Karlebo. Karlebo Kommune.

1997 Museumsudredning vedrørende Storstrøms Amt, Museer, arkiver og besøgscentremodeller for en fremtidig udvikling og opgavefordeling. Storstrøns Amt. Nykøbing Falster.

2006 Cultural Identities, Shared Values and European Citizenship. Council of Europe, DGIV/ID(2006)27E, Strasbourg 10 November 2006

2008 Cultural heritage and intercultural dialogueold and new challenges to our minds and hearts. Background paper published by The Council of Europe for the Islamic-Arab-European culture conference in Baku 3-4th of December 2008.

Council of Europe, CDPATEP(2009)18. 28 April 2009 (Background paper)