European Commission - 7th Framework Programme European Museums and Libraries in/of the age of migrations last updated: February 2015

Hugues de Varine

Hugues de Varine is currently free lance consultant, specialized in local and community development, particularly the management of natural and cultural heritage by the local communities. He works mostly on local projects in Brazil, Portugal, Italy. He has been director of the International Council of Museums (1965-1974) and has occupied various positions in the French national administration (third sector, local development, urban regeneration. He has published various books on cultural imperialism, community initiative, and heritage as a ressource for local development (none of them translated into English).

Selected Publications:

de VarineHugues. 1976. La Culture des Autres. Paris: Seuil.
de Varine, Hugues. 1987. O Tempo Social. Rio de Janeiro: Livraria Eça
de Varine, Hugues, et al. 1993. La Commune et l'insertion par l'économique. Mâcon: ASDIC & W.
de Varine, Hugues, and Jean-Michel Montfort. 1995. Ville Culture et Développement. Paris: Ed. Syros.
de Varine, Hugues. 2002. Les Racines du Futur - Le patrimoine au service du développement. Ed. Asdic. 
de Varine, Hugues. 2006. La dynamique du développement local – Les choix du Beaufortain. Ed. Asdic.

He also wrote many articles on museums, community development, culture, community action, in French, foreign and international journals.