European Commission - 7th Framework Programme European Museums and Libraries in/of the age of migrations last updated: February 2015

Claudia Redaelli

Claudia Redaelli
Dissemination Manager

Claudia Redaelli
National Research Council of Italy - ITIA


Since 2002, Dr Claudia Redaelli has worked for ITIA-CNR, Institute of Industrial Technology and Automation, National Research Council of Italy as dissemination and communication manager and human factors specialist. She holds a university degree in Foreign Languages and Literature with a specialization in Cross-Cultural Psychology, a Master’s in Information Science for those who graduated in liberal arts.
As dissemination manager in different European and IMS projects, she develops the dissemination strategies and plans the communication both inside the consortium and for a more general audience with help from institutional websites, events and public presentations of the project results.
For some years she studied the impact of virtual reality applications, evaluating their relevance in the industrial context especially focusing on Presence and cognition. Similar approaches have been applied, in collaboration with a research group at the Statale di Milano University at the pre-clinic science department “LITA di Vialba”, for understanding patient reactions to innovative rehabilitation techniques and devices. Now she is actively collaborating in different research projects linking psychological approaches with technologies. She is the author of many published articles.