European Commission - 7th Framework Programme European Museums and Libraries in/of the age of migrations last updated: February 2015

Gennaro Postiglione

Technical Manager / POLIMI

Gennaro Postiglione
Politecnico di Milano - DPA
Associate professor


Gennaro Postiglione is Associate Professor of Interior Architecture at the Politecnico di Milano (activity: Researches focus mainly on domestic interiors (questioning relations among culture of dwelling, domestic architecture and modernity), on museography and on preserving and diffusing collective memory and cultural identity (connecting the museographic issues with the domestic ambit). In this field he carried out several research projects amongst wich: “The Atlantic Wall Linear Museum”, “Abarchive – archivio borghi abbandonati”, “One-hundred houses for one-hundred architects of the XX century”. Besides, he has a specific interest in the architecture of Nordic countries.
From 2004, he is promoter of PUBLIC ARCHITECTURE @ POLIMI, an interdisciplinary research & operative group that puts the resources of Architecture in the service of the Public Interest and from 2006 is promoter of IFW-Interior Forum World , an academic network and a web platform for research edited by the PhD in Interiors at POLIMI.
On going researches: besides “European Museums and Libraries in/for the Age of Migrations” (EU-FP7 funded), “Dealing with Conflict Heritages” (National Grant).
He seats in the editorial board of AREA (il sole24ore ed.) from 1997 and, from 2010 is in the Advisory Board of the Peer Review Journal 'Interiors' (Berg Publisher Ltd).

Selected publications:

Postiglione, Gennaro, and Nicola Flora. 2010. Norwegian Talks. Architetture di Kunt Hjeltnes, Carl-Viggo Holmebakk e Jensen & Skodvin. Macerata: Quodlibet.

Postiglione, Gennaro. 2010. Unplugged Italy. Siracusa: 22 Publishing.

Postiglione, Gennaro. 2010. Interior Wor(l)ds. Torino: U. Allemandi&Co.

Postiglione, Gennaro, et aliae. 2008. Places&Themes of Interiors. Milano: FrancoAngeli.

Postiglione, Gennaro. 2008. 100 Houses for 100 Architects. Kholn: Taschen.

Postiglione, Gennaro, and Christian Norberg-Schulz. 2007. Sverre Fehn works. Milano: Electa.

Postiglione, Gennaro, Nicola Flora, and Paolo Giardiello. 2001. Sigurd Lewerentz, 1885-1975. Opera completa. Milano: Electa.