European Commission - 7th Framework Programme European Museums and Libraries in/of the age of migrations last updated: February 2015

Museums, Migration and Identity in Europe

Research Field
Authors Christopher Whitehead, Katherine Lloyd, Susannah Eckersley, Rhiannon Mason
Category Books
Publication date March 2015
Whitehead, Christopher, Katherine Lloyd, Susannah Eckersley and Rhiannon Mason, eds. 2015. Museums, Migration and Identity in Europe. Peoples, Places and Identities. Farnham: Ashgate.

The imperatives surrounding museum representations of place have shifted from the late eighteenth century to today. The political significance of place itself has changed and continues to change at all scales, from local, civic, regional to national and supranational. At the same time, changes in population flows, migration patterns and demographic movement now underscore both cultural and political practice, be it in the accommodation of ‘diversity’ in cultural and social policy, scholarly explorations of hybridity or in state immigration controls. This book investigates the historical and contemporary relationships between museums, places and identities. It brings together contributions from international scholars, academics, practitioners from museums and public institutions, policymakers, and representatives of associations and migrant communities to explore all these issues.

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