European Commission - 7th Framework Programme European Museums and Libraries in/of the age of migrations last updated: February 2015

MeLa Final Brochure: European Museums in an age of migrations

Research Field
Author Research Field 06
Category Document
Publication date March 2015
MeLa is a four year multi-disciplinary and collaborative research project, funded in 2011 within the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission under the Social Sciences and Humanities. The MeLa Project investigated the role of museums in 21st century Europe, and their ongoing evolution triggered by accelerated mobility, fluid circulation of information, ideas and cultures, and the consequent increase of cultural encounters, cross-fertilisation and hybridisation of societies and identities. By analysing the challenges as well as the opportunities emerging from processes of globalisation, mobility and migration, MeLa identified innovative practices that can support contemporary museums in fostering mutual understanding, social cohesion and a sharper awareness of an inclusive European identity. This booklet presents a synthetic overview on the main findings produced by the MeLa Project, drawing on the critical suggestions, best practices, policies and recommendations proposed by the investigators involved in the different MeLa Research Fields, with the aim to support the scientific community, museum professionals, policymakers and the European Commission in envisioning and fostering the evolution of contemporary museums in this “age of migrations”.

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