European Commission - 7th Framework Programme European Museums and Libraries in/of the age of migrations last updated: February 2015

Crossing Borders. Connecting European Identities in Museums and Online

Authors Simon Knell, Bodil Axelsson, Lill Eilertsen, Eleni Myrivili, Ilaria Porciani, Andrew Sawyer and Sheila Watson
Category Books
Publication date April 2012
Simon Knell et al., eds. 2012. Crossing Borders. Connecting European Identities in Museums and Online. Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press.

Eunamus second open access report is now online. This report presents key findings of research undertaken by the EuNaMus consortium in its attempts to understand the ‘museology of Europe’. This notion is used here to describe activities which are peculiar to museums and which result from the manner in which museums assemble and deploy objects. This research investigated the ways in which captial cities, national art museums, online museum-like spaces, and national, regional and local museums produce opportunities for connecting identities.

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