European Commission - 7th Framework Programme European Museums and Libraries in/of the age of migrations last updated: February 2015

Representing Museum Technologies

Research Field
Authors Jamie Allen, Eleonora Lupo
Category Books
Publication date November 2012
Allen, Jamie, and Eleonora Lupo, eds. 2012. Representing Museum Technologies. Milan: Politecnico di Milano DPA.

The use of technologies in the context of museums and cultural institutions is a topic that helps bring a focus to the myriad of representational, interactive and informational forms these cultural milieux allow. Combined with developments in the public take-up of mobile technologies and networked media and communications, technologies used in representing and producing culture cause us to fundamentally re-imagine and reinvent the role of cultural institutions in a technological society. This case study source book is a snapshot, a distillation of contemporary practice by museums and cultural institutions, along with commentary, critique and best practice reflections by interdisciplinary-researchers from the MeLa project.

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