European Commission - 7th Framework Programme European Museums and Libraries in/of the age of migrations last updated: February 2015

The Memory of the Sea. Objects migrating whitin the Mediterranean

1-15 December 2012

The Memory of the Sea. Objects migrating in the Mediterranean
Curated by Annachiara Cimoli in collaboration with MeLa Project.

Part of Idee Migranti. Installazioni / performances / incontri

Rome, Italy | Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico“Luigi Pigorini”


Idee Migranti (Migrant Ideas) is a section of the broader exhibition [S]oggetti migranti (20 september- 2 April 2012), held at the Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico“Luigi Pigorini” in Rome.
The exhibition [S]oggetti migrant is the closing event of the project READ-ME, Réseau européen des Associations de Diasporas & Musées d’Ethnographie created as a collaboration between the Museo “Luigi Pigorini”, the Musée royal de l’Afrique Centrale in Brussels, the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris, and the Museum für Völkerkunde in Vienna.
[S]oggetti migranti focuses on the migration undergone by the objects preserved in ethnographic museums
today, concentrating particularly on the various stories these carry, with the intent of bringing the objects of
the museum back to life. Within this exhibition the call for projects Idee Migranti (Migrant Ideas) was created in order to promote the dialogue between the museum and the public, to allow a confrontation with those who work on projects inherent to the themes of migration on the national territory.
Two of the projects selected within the call for proposals are curated and presented by two researchers involved in the MeLa Project, Annachiara Cimoli and Giulia Grechi and will be open to the public from the 1st of December till the 15th.


“The Memory of the Sea: Objects Migrating within the Mediterranean” is an exhibition curated by Anna Chiara Cimoli within the framework of the European Project MeLa*.
For many years now, the “eco-artist” Mohsen Lihidheb has been collecting objects brought by the sea to the Tunisian beaches: thousands of objects that today constitute the core of the unconventional Musée de la Mémoire de la Mer hosted in the inner garden of the private house of Mohsen in Zarzis, Tunisia. The exhibition “The Memory of the Sea” illustrates this museum through a series of pictures by the photographers Alessandro Brasile and Mattia Insolera, and through the short film Sacrées bouteilles, by the Tunisian director Fitouri Belhiba.
The exhibition will start with the seminar “Around the Sea Memory Museum”, with the participation of the photographer Alessandro Brasile and the journalist Gabriele Del Grande. They will present their work and will discuss on the issue of representing contemporary migrations through new media and communication tools.

See the Program and the Press Release below.


>> link to the exhibition website