European Commission - 7th Framework Programme European Museums and Libraries in/of the age of migrations last updated: February 2015

ANMLI Conference - Musei e Sostenibilità

23 March 2013

Ferrara, Italy | Salone del Restauro


Each year, the Italian National Association of Local Museums and Institutions (ANMLI) promotesconference within the Salone del Restauro in Ferrara to debate about the evolution of contemporary local museums.

The 2013 edition of the conference, "Musei e sostenibilità - Come affrontare la crisi", is dedicated to the challenges posed by the economic crisis, inducing a constant reduction of the available funding. The debate aims at investigating the questions related to the development of a sustainable future museums system, the issues concerning their role and mission, and the strategies which may be enhanced in order to allow these institutions to preserve and valorise local heritage.

The participants to the Round Table:
Marcello Balzani, TekneHub, Rete Alta Tecnologia Emilia - Romagna
Laura Carlini, Settore Musei e Beni Culturali, IBC Emilia – Romagna
Fabio Donato, Dipartimento Economia e Management, Università di Ferrara
Massimo Maisto, Vicesindaco e Assessore alla Cultura, Comune di Ferrara
Massimo Montella, Dipartimento Beni Culturali, Università di Macerata
Silvia Pellizzeri, Polymnia Venezia srl, M9 Museo del Novecento a Mestre
Gabriele Toneguzzi, Architetto Museografo, Università di Ferrara
Anna Maria Visser, Direttivo ANMLI, Master MCM MuSeC

The debate will be chaired by Anna Maria Montaldo, ANMLI President.

The conference will take place at "Ferrara Fiere" site, in the Pavillon 5/6, Sala D (first floor), h. 9:30 - 12:30 am.