European Commission - 7th Framework Programme European Museums and Libraries in/of the age of migrations last updated: February 2015

CIDOC 2015: Documenting Diversity - Collections, Catalogues & Context

5-10 September 2015

New Delhi, India | National Museum Institute, National Museum

The International Committee for Documentation (Comité International pour la Documentation - CIDOC) is promoting the conference Documenting DiversityCollections, Catalogues & Context.
The presentation selected will be related to one the following sub-themes:

1. Strategies and policies for documenting the diversity of culture
Papers aiming at identifying significance of diversity of context, tackling diverse documentation needs and challenges of different cultures, investigating topics like: national and institutional strategies for documentation; need, benefit and challenges of Open Access; ways to create value for museums, academia and communities; long term preservation and sustainable models for digital heritage; user-driven development and design; documentation intended as a profession.

2. Techniques and methods of documentation
The main goal this research field pursues is to analyse methods and techniques for creating documentation for traditional and digital media environments, with a double focus on challenges and practical experiences.
Topics: documentation standards (terminology and metadata); documenting and presenting intangible cultural heritage; telling stories with museum objects (reflections on interpretation); 3D Documentation in Cultural Heritage; conceptual Models in the Semantic Web and Linked Data applications; Big Data.

3. Access and Integration: working together with archives and other heritage Institutions
The theme mainly intends to demonstrate the unique needs of documentation of Archival material for increasing accessibility. Furthermore, challenges of integrating archival material with other related data will also be explored.
Topics: theoretical and practical insights from archives; access to archival sources; co-referencing, accessing, and integrating material from multiple fields; integration of material from museums and archives; building new alliances; convergence of heritage information.


» link to the Conference website

» Conference Programme