European Commission - 7th Framework Programme European Museums and Libraries in/of the age of migrations last updated: February 2015

Cultural Management Without Borders

15-17 January 2015

Berlin, Germany  | Heilbronn University


With the significant restructuring of international arts and cultural exchange, especially due to the digital revolution and the shifts in European societies caused by immigration, cultural management is challenged to adopt an open attitude and explore new questions. The 9th Annual Conference of The Association of Cultural Management will thus focus on questions regarding the role of European culture and its perceptions in the world. Some of the questions pivotal in this context are: What role do European cultural goods and services as well as national cultural management approaches play in a globalized world? Who holds the interpretative power over what we transport abroad as culture and hence as an image of ourselves? Is culture constrained by its role as a "soft diplomat"? What key competencies doescultural manager require in order to work as a broker between different cultures and different cultural value systems

The Association of Cultural Management is a professional association of academic lecturers and researchers in the field of cultural management for the German speaking community. The mission of our association is the representation and advancement of the discipline in research and teaching.


» link to the Conference