European Commission - 7th Framework Programme European Museums and Libraries in/of the age of migrations last updated: February 2015

Le patrimoine de l’immigration en France et en Europe

10-11 December 2012

Paris, France | Maison de l'Europe


On the occasion of its 25th anniversaryGénériques, with the support of the Direction de l'Accueil, de l'Intégration et de la Citoyenneté (DAIC), is promoting a symposium exploring the theme of the heritage related to immigration in France and in Europe.
Enrolled in a long invisibility linked to a certain conception of immigration, in recent years in France immigrants have gained an historical recognition. Today, the idea that the national heritage also includes some elements related to the identity and the cultural contributions of peoples who arrived from elsewhereseems to be acquired, even if issues related to preservation, enhancement and collective ownership remains open. The  conference thus questions the relationship between the traditional concept of heritage, used to tell a story aboutcollective immutable identity, and immigration, that is marked by movement, fluidity and complexity. This symposium aims to examine cross experiences and practices by those who work in the local, national, transnational and European cultural institutions (associations, government, cultural actors, heritage institutionsresearchers, etc.).

Submission Procedures: the interested scholars and practitioners are invited to submit a proposal argument (abstract: max. half a page) before 11 October 2012 to colloquepatrimoine[a] A selection of papers will be published Oct. 22, 2012.


» link to the Conference